Monday, June 17, 2013

EMCTL(Enterprise Manager) Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = ORA-28000:

Check SYSMAN and DBSNMP account status...this problem can be related with wrong password configuration of emctl...

first check status of SYSMAN and DBSNMP;

select account_status,lock_date,username from dba_users where username in ('SYSMAN','DBSNMP');

-------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------
OPEN                                                                          DBSNMP
LOCKED(TIMED)                         17-06-13              SYSMAN

SYSMAN status LOCKED ...before unlocking sysman accout stop the dbconsole;

 emctl stop dbconsole


 sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> alter user sysman account unlock;
SQL> alter user sysman identified by  NEWPASSWORD;

and set password of emctl  with oracle user; and set dbconsole password as NEWPASSWORD

emctl setpasswd dbconsole
start dbconsole

emctl start dbconsole 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

TRUNCATE Aud$ table to prevent system tablespace from getting bigger...

My system tablespace was getting bigger everyday and i realized that  aud$ table was causing this problem and scheluding a  crontab-job truncating aud$ table on monday and thursday ..simply solved my problem..

with oracle user;

vi /home/oracle/scripts/

then copy paste  into

. /home/oracle/.bash_profile
output=`sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
       set heading off feedback off verify off
       TRUNCATE TABLE aud$;
echo $output

after creating sh , give permissions

chmod 775  /home/oracle/scripts/

and add it on crontab ;

00 15 * * 1,4 /home/oracle/scripts/ > /home/oracle/scripts/audit_sil.log 2>&1

Will run on Monday and Thursday at 15:00 ..