Wednesday, December 26, 2012

every 5 minutes how to copy files after certain date time (linux)

here the script  to copy  archive logs ,created after certain date time, into different location every 5 minutes for our production database; simply , writing the last time of archive log created by oracle on os into a log file and then read the time from this log file to find out which archive logs should be copied next time.create a sh file and copy paste this script into file and then add it into crontab ,if u have any question feel free to ask...

export date_name=`cat last_time`
touch -t $(date +%m%d)$date_name $REF
ls -lra | tail -1 | awk '{print $8}' | sed 's/\://g' > last_time
find . -newer $REF -exec cp {} /opt/oracle / \;
rm -f $REF

before run this script create a file called last_time in archive logs destination folder and write the time after files u wanna copy.for example write 1900  in last_time file to copy files after 19:00..

adding crontab to execute sh every 5 mins;

crontab -e then add this line ;

*/5 * * * * /opt/

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